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Showing posts from March, 2020

Corona Pandemic: The Simmering Crisis

At the time of typing, the casualties due to the novel corona virus pandemic have reached 34,806 with 735,041 infected around the world. The death toll in Italy alone is 10,779, highest anywhere around the globe. It has already claimed 29 lives in India. In India, Economists say, the pandemic has already done more damage to the Indian economy than Demonetization did in more than three years. In an interview to Karan Thapar, India’s first chief statistician, Dr Pronab Sen when asked about the severity of crises that may follow the spread of the virus, did not rule out the possibility of large scale food riots in the country. If that comes as a surprise, you have just not been paying attention. Nonetheless, the governments at the centre and in states are well aware of the destitute conditions more than 400 million of Indians live under. PM Modi may well share the apprehensions Dr Sen expressed in his interview. In what may seem to be adequate to some, the Prime Minister in add

Covid 19: Who is to be blamed?

COVID-19 has brought catastrophic trouble to Europe. The outbreak is now being ranked only second to the world wars. Unsurprisingly, the world looks at the problem with its focus at finding the core of it. The genesis of the devil called Corona. As usual, President Trump is taking lead assigning the blame. US President Donald Trump has mentioned of COVID-19 as ‘Chinese Virus' to bring discomfort to many.   Those in support of Trump have given examples of the Spanish Flu in 1918 that claimed anywhere between 20-50 million lives. The Spanish flu infected an estimated 500 million people, which was approximately one-third of the then global population. Examples of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome also connected it to the territory it originated from. Those supporting China have the current global order based on free market capitalism to blame Corona upon. It is for them the right moment to strike, to dilute all the gains and concentrate upon the flaws that US led current gl